Monday, August 29, 2011

The Ten Commandments... what the children and I are watching!

Have you seen it?

Liked it?

What are you and your family up to today?


  1. Oh, Sarah, I still remember seeing this as a child at my grandparent's home. My children have not seen it yet - hmm, I'll bet my Russkii husband hasn't either.

    Happy for you that you are overjoyed below :)

  2. It's a loooooong while since we've watched it. I guess like most of the great Biblical movies it would not be entirely accurate for people who know the scriptures. However, I remember seeing it as a child and being very awed at the mighty power of God. Charlton is always so watchable! It rained all day here so it would have a good day to watch a movie of biblical proportions.

  3. I think we need to add this for our Egypt unit! Thanks for the reminder! I haven't seen this in years!!

  4. I have never seem the movie, ever!! I might have to watch it one day.

    My son came to visit today and he left with a pile of recipe books I don't use and I thought he might find them useful as he loves to cook and experiment with new recipes.


Your comments are valued!