Tuesday, April 12, 2011

River of gratefulness is flowing over here today.

It's so nice to be on holidays. I actually really feel like I am on holidays, not only from homeschooling but from running our B&B as my gorgeous niece is here being trained and she is now covering all the email enquiries, writing up our winter specials and emailing it out.

I have needed a break, just a little one from the whole responsibility of the business and I am so grateful today for God sending my niece who has such a willing attitude and loving personality. God has an incredible plan for her life.

Even though we are on holidays my husband starts his next job at the end of this month and we are all going this time...YAY, very excited about that. So I have actually planned our AO term 2 already and packed all our books.

We are looking forward to spending time with my Nana, cousins, aunties, uncles and true friends. We don't often see our precious family and friends as we live 6 hours from Melbourne and Sydney and I am missing everyone soooo much. More than what I have before.

Life is so precious isn't it?

I am so grateful today that God is working in my life, changing, moulding and teaching me His plan. There is a purpose for every event that takes place in our lives, and I know His love never fails us.

"How precious is your unfailing love, O God!
All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings."
Psalm 36:7 (New Living Translation)


  1. This is a great post! Thanks for sharing your gratefullness...all the way across the world! It is even contagious at that distance, you know!
    Have a lovely trip w/ your family - visiting and catching up!

  2. Thank you Keri...glad your feeling the love..hehe! xxx

  3. Really happy for you Sarah! Sometimes a break from 'everything' is just what we need :) That's wonderful about your niece too. We will be passing nearby Mallacoota sometime in early May. Sounds like you will be away though! If you're anywhere near Melbourne/Geelong let me know as we'll be spending sometime there too. Mel x

  4. Hey Mel...we'll be away during May, but we will be in Melbourne and Geelong after July sometime! It would be great to meet up somewhere. We should exchange mobiles on fcebook, privately..hehe

  5. Enjoy your respite, Sarah. Who will run the B & B?

  6. Yes Sarah, I'll inbox you on fb. Still sorting out when we'll be where, but it's slowly coming together. Mel x

  7. Love holidays.. thanks for popping over to visit my blog. Enjoy your family time.

  8. yay for travelling with your hubby this time! yay for your neice! God is good! are you coming up my way by any chance? if so, we should try to meet up with you if it works out:)

  9. Hi Sarah

    looking forward to seeing you and the family. It has been over a year since I stayed at your B&B.
    Time just flys

    How are the renovations going? Have you moved into the top floor?

    God Bless... See you soon.

    Love Bronny


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