Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Battling the battles!

We are at home this week, and only for this week before we head back to Melbourne for 4-5 weeks. Right now I can hear myself think, the birds chirping, the wind rustling the leaves on our cocos palms out the window, the clock ticking, and the keys on this type pad. 

I now really appreciate the quiet times, where I can gather my thoughts, regurgitate something I just read lately or someones opinion about something! 

Who else starts battling at this time of the year with homeschooling? 

Even though we are on a weeks break from learning, in the back of my mind I'm praying for strength to even begin again next week. I would love to hear that you have these feelings too.

Being an isolated home schooler I think (even though I know it's not true) that I am the only one battling right now! 

But amazingly it really helps to hear other home schooling Mothers say..yep, I have my days where I want to throw the towel in and just lay in bed and read all day without being disturbed! 

Please tell me!!!!

It's quiet here because my gorgeous husband has taken the children to the beach and I cannot believe that I chose to stay home in the quiet and not go to my most favourite place in the world! But that's what you do for that peace and quiet where I can choose whatever I want to do. 

I'm am so waffling right now aren't I?

Anyway, I am excited to be in Melbourne and we are going to make the most of all that the city has to offer us. I've saved up some money just to spend in the city...can't wait! 

Seize the day!


  1. Hang in there! We ALL have those days....er, weeks.....dare I say, months?

  2. Me! I'm putting my hand up. I have struggled my way through term 3 and it's Wednesday already and our first week back at school and we have managed 1 hour of school work. You are not alone xoxo

  3. Absolutely Sarah. I would be surprised if any home schooler doesn't go through phases just as you describe.....and it doesn't have to be the end of the year.
    I feel for you being isolated. My fellow home schoolers have been a wonderful encouragement over the years. Still, you have a great lot of online friends.
    Sometimes when we read other blogs, whether it is homeschooling, marriage, home making etc, we have to keep in mind that most of us blog at our best!
    Do not be weary in well doing, my friend. xo

  4. I have never home schooled and no longer have any children at school so to any parent who has decide to homeschool I give you a gold star. You are wonderful dedicated people doing the very best for your children. Keep up your excellent work:).

    And have a great time in Melbourne.

  5. Yes, Sarah. I am with Keri, I have those days and weeks. I just figured out my sons learning style and I am having a big adjustment.

    I'm an isolated homeschooler too. sigh.

  6. Hang in there Sarah! Like the other have said, I have those days too:( and it's not just in term 3 lol! it hits me any time in the year!
    guess what, today is my first free day in who knows how long and I'm just enjoying what you just blogged about - the peace and quiet, the ability to just 'think' and carry my train of thought through to the end without being interrupted lol!
    I keep reminding myself that it's just a season and soon my dd will have grown up and I'll have all the time in the world to sit still, dream, think, .....(fill in the blanks)
    Dd is at Hillsong kidsfest for the day so I am home alone though I do have work (paid work) and other homeschool documentation to catch up on today! Enjoy Melbourne!


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