Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Daybook

Outside my window ~ Are the bower birds, black cockatoos and currawongs returning.

I am thinking ~ how hard it is to be a parent on your own

I am thankful for ~ food in my fridge, cuddles from little hands and music

From the learning rooms ~ our history and geography lessons are all pointing towards China and it has been very interesting taking a deeper look at their culture.

From the kitchen ~ we are cooking Chinese fried rice and lemon chicken to just add with the whole China flavor.

I am creating ~ not much at the moment -  no time

I am going ~ to do a cardio work out soon, just popped into my head :-)

I am reading ~ Mao's Last Dancer and loving it! Joshua is reading Storm boy and Gracie is reading Little Bear books. For our devotions we are loving Training Hearts - Teaching minds ~ based on the Shorter Catechism

I am hearing ~ the magical singing voice of Jennifer Knapp

Around the house ~ I am throwing out 'stuff'

A few plans for the rest of the week ~ to be patient, that's my plan!



  1. Nice.

    Love love love the pic of you and your beloved...

    Hugs from me.

  2. Sounds good at your place!
    Hope the *patience* thing goes well. That is one of my ongoing resolutions.
    Are you on your own at present? Single parenting is a great challenge, even greater than parenting in general. But just remember that tribulation works no doubt this is all in the Lord's plan for you :-)

  3. Ah! So nice to find your blog! I love to see what others are reading! We are trying to get started on the same shorter catechism book. We went thru it a few years back, now have some more kiddos ready for it's contents! Hope you have a glorious day!

  4. Hello, Child of God. I hope that you are having a wonderful day.

    I used Charlotte Mason when I homeschooled the children when they were little. They are both in middle school right now.

  5. Sarah,
    We've used the Training Hearts book, too, and really enjoyed it. The picture of you and your husband is wonderful!!

  6. Hi Sarah,
    I love this meme, I like that you kept yours short and to the point and yet I get to take a pick at your week's plans. Patient is a good thing to have in mind.

  7. A lovely day and a lovely week! Hope you enjoy it. :)


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