Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lyra Pencils

My son Joshua never really picked up a pencil until the age of four. He just wasn't interested in coloring in or drawing. Some people were not concerned but I just knew he will start when he is ready. One day as I was researching art products I came across Lyra pencils, this was the first time I had ever seen them. Just the pigments in the color attracted me, so I went ahead and ordered - only cost $30 per pack of 12!!!

The day these beautiful pencils arrived Joshua grabbed hold of them and began to draw with excitement. We have been using this product now for 4 years and both my children draw wonderful pictures everyday.

It's the quality of pencil that inspires a child to create.


  1. I so covet that beautiful box of pencils!!

  2. I have to say since you've introduced my children to these wonderful pencils, we've never looked back! They are the BEST!

  3. CM would agree that quality is key. After finally allowing my children use my good supplies, I saw such a positive difference in how they related to the brushes and paints.

    I also hear from Jeanne that congratulations on your birthday are in order! May goodness and kindness follow you all the days of your life! Happy Birthday!


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